Talent Connection Blog

Every successful project has a blueprint—workforce planning is the blueprint for a successful organization. A major component of workforce planning is setting goals. But sometimes we overestimate or underestimate ourselves, making it difficult to set attainable goals. Here are 5 ways to set effective team goals so you can get down the road on your workforce planning procedures.

With more individuals joining the workforce every day, 2016 is going to be a busy year for hiring and HR managers—that means new hiring techniques and trends. A rapidly emerging trend is a shift toward cognitive tests. With this new pre-employment screening process, organizations are understanding that personality and cognitive testing combined can predict whether the person can learn the job tasks quickly or think critically. With the average tenure of a 25 to 34-year-old employee at a mere 3 years, finding a successful job fit is crucial.

Universally Recognized Symbol of Trust Demonstrates the Talexes Commitment to the Highest Standards of Business Practices Waco, TX (March 8, 2016) – Talexes (www.talexes.com), a provider of talent management solutions, has met all the standards and has passed the review process for Better Business Bureau (BBB) accreditation. The accrediting BBB chapter serves Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin, including 79 counties in Texas and 12,000 accredited business locations.

Although it is often a forgotten responsibility of organizational leaders, employee development plans are an underlying necessity for harmony and success in the workplace. By greatly reducing turnover, thereby reducing the need for hiring processes, having an effective employee development program in place is an easy way to ease the strain of hiring processes. Here’s why:

Did you know that 65 percent of your workforce is looking for a new job? TLNT.com asked customers and readers of their workplace blog three questions: Do you hate your job? If so, why? And, are you looking for a new job? A shocking 65 percent of respondents claimed that they were actively searching for a new job. The respondents were then asked why there is such a high employee turnover rate. The top three responses, in order, were as follows: Bad leadership Organizational problems Toxic work environment and lack of organizational direction These responses show that organizations are not

Waco, TX ([February 17, 2016) – Talexes (www.talexes.com), a provider of talent management solutions, is continuing its quest to help companies re-tool for the millennial generation by hosting a unique, break-through event at Texas State University. The supplemental research event held on Saturday, February 6th at Texas State University provided Talexes with the opportunity to administer their assessments to a wide segment of the millennial population. Through the extraordinary success of the event, Talexes has acquired invaluable understanding about the abilities and behaviors that make millennials tick.

When hiring managers and recruiters use their discretion to overrule the results of personality assessment tests, their hires do less well than workers selected exclusively on the basis of test scores, according to TLNT.com. This information is based on the data gathered by a trio of researchers—Mitchell Hoffman of the University of Toronto’s School of Management, Lisa Kahn of Yale’s School of Management, and Danielle Li of Harvard Business School—who studied the tenure and performance of 300,000 hires at 15 different companies. It was concluded that managers who exercise more discretion systematically end up with worse hires.