You just have to go and get it.

Attraction vs. Evaluation
Talent acquisition has become synonymous with recruiting. But the process of attracting qualified candidates is just as important as evaluating them. After all, if the right person for the job isn’t within your pool of applicants, your screening efforts arebeing wasted.Some things to consider when thinking about your talent acquisition process:
- What is the position I’m trying to fill?
- What is required for success in that position?
- How can I convey those needs to prospective applicants?
- What can I do to ensure my ads are reaching the right people?
- How can I make sure I’m selecting the right person for the job every time?
All of these questions are vital to the talent acquisition process, but can seem overwhelming to try to answer all at once. So what can your company do to ensure your talent acquisition process is driving positive results?

Knowing is half the battle.
Spend time assessing the qualifications that are required for the position you’re trying to fill. Once you have a clear understanding of what your ideal applicant looks like, you can start to select based on those criteria. Talexes can help you determine which qualities are most important to include in your search. Not only that, Talassure assessments can help you select the candidate that best matches those requirements. By clarifying your criteria and selecting based upon those parameters, you can consistently select only the very best.

Select the best every single time.
Talexes employee assessment data can not only help you determine where your attention should be directed when seeking applicants, but can help you apply those criteria to candidates who walk through the door. By assessing each candidate and comparing their personal qualities to those that are proven to lead to success in a given position, you can select the right person for the job each and every time. Talassure assessment data takes the guesswork out of your talent acquisition process, creating consistently effective attraction and selection processes.