Talent Connection Blog

To empower and engage their employees, many organizations are experimenting with nontraditional working arrangements. Flexible schedules are a hallmark of these efforts, but do they really have a positive impact on workforce development? Depending on who you ask, answers will vary widely. Nowadays, flexible schedules aren’t exactly a new concept, and everyone – no matter their opinion – can cite data to bolster their assertions. Yes, flexible schedules are valuable for workforce development. Proponents of flexible schedules, which can refer to any work arrangement deviating from the typical five-day, nine-to-five, on-site norm, love to cite studies like this World at

The talent management landscape is changing dramatically. Not only are the millennial generation’s values significantly different from those of generations past, but our 24/7, “always on” work environments are challenging our conception of “work” itself. When are we “at work?” When aren’t we? The difference is often a blur. As 2015 winds down, it’s time to examine the state (and the future) of talent management. We can do so by analyzing three specific trends: 1. The preeminence of work-life balance Millennials crave flexibility and freedom in their working lives, but few organizations are willing to provide those things the way