Talent Connection Blog

In a recent survey, 83 percent of candidates said a bad interview experience could change their opinion of a role. Meanwhile, 87 percent said that a good interview experience could change their mind and make them more likely to accept the job. So how do you ensure a pleasant interview experience while finding the right fit for your organization? The key is preparation. Look at these 6 interview preparation tactics to accomplish a successful interview.

  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of what is required for the position.
  • Do your homework on the candidate—study their resume, social media presence, etc.
  • Prepare a way to prove your company is a desirable place to work—you should try to sell your organization to them as much as they are selling themselves to you.
  • Have a list of interview questions prepared that’ll give you accurate, useful information about the candidate.
  • Be prepared to answer the candidate’s questions as well—especially those about day-to-day responsibilities of the role.
  • Be ready to provide feedback, both positive and negative (see more on this below).

Providing feedback is a vital part of the interview process that most organizations tend to neglect. Take a look at these statistics for interview feedback:

  • 59 percent of candidates want to hear from you whenever there is an update in their application process.
  • 94 percent of candidates want interview feedback as to why they were rejected; only 41 percent actually receive this feedback!
  • 65 percent prefer to hear bad news by email.
  • 77 percent prefer to hear good news over the phone.

Next time you have an interview scheduled, make preparations to ensure the best possible interview experience for both you and the candidate.

For more interview tips, contact us today.