Make sure your employees are invested in organizational success.

Employee productivity and retention start with engagement.
An engaged employee is a productive employee. When an employee not only knows what the organization’s goals are, but knows how his or her role contributes to the accomplishment of those goals, motivation will come naturally. Fostering an atmosphere in which every member of the organization is invested in its success will result in an increase in motivation, which translates to an increase in employee productivity. And productive employees mean a profitable business.

Coach failure, praise success.
People leave people. Not, as previously thought, because of interpersonal conflict. Instead, employees across the workforce are reporting feelings of being unmotivated, undervalued and in some cases neglected. They seek feedback, and not in the check-off-the-boxes capacity. When they fail, they want to know how they can avoid doing it again in the future. When they succeed, they want to be acknowledged and appreciated. This can only be done by treating each member of your organization as an individual with unique talents and interests, and taking into consideration their capacity to perform at every level. Understanding your employees is the key to engaging them, and Talexes can show you how.

Discover the key to engaging your employees.
In order to find out what motivates a person, you must know what interests them. Talexes employee assessment data gives you a firsthand look at the personal qualities and interests of your employees. With this knowledge, you can understand where their strengths and weaknesses lie, assisting you in acknowledging exceptional performance, and providing a framework for improvement in weaker areas. In addition, discovering where each individual employee’s interests are centered can help you align them with organizational goals. When you know where an employee shines, where they could be built upon, and what excites them, you can work together to foster employee engagement. When every employee knows how their role affects the success of the company and is motivated by personal interests to perform, engagement – along with your bottom line – will skyrocket.