Talent Connection Blog

If you want a new hire that’ll be around for the long haul, then you may want to consider inquiring about not only their skills and qualifications, but also their emotional intelligence. It’s one thing to find someone who is the right fit for that open position, but finding someone that also fits with your organization itself is a whole different story. This means making sure they agree with and work well with your company’s culture, that they have a personality that doesn’t clash with your current staff, and that their emotional intelligence allows them to effectively meet the requirements of their new position—and will continue to do so even after the excitement of that “new-job feeling”  wears off.

Here are 5 features that emotional intelligence provides to employees:

  • People skills
  • Empathy
  • Motivation
  • Self-regulation of emotions
  • Self-awareness

With that said, let’s take a look at some good interview questions to ask for determining if your candidate has an effective level of emotional intelligence.

  • Who inspires you and why?
  • What are the top 3 factors you would attribute to your success?
  • What skill or expertise do you feel like you’re still missing?
  • Did you build any lasting friendships while working at previous jobs?
  • If business priorities were to change, how would you help your team understand and carry out the new goals?
  • If you were starting your own company, what would be its top 3 values?
  • Think of a time someone was unsatisfied with your organization or your work. How did you handle that situation?
  • Give an example of a time you lost your temper. What happened and what was the outcome?

It may seem like the emotional aspect of employees is out of an employer’s range of responsibilities and concerns. But in fact, cluing yourself in on your team’s emotional side can lead to more engaged, committed employees—a pretty nice benefit for just a few simple interview questions.

For more interviewing solutions, contact us today!