Support and guide your employees to help them achieve their potential.

Your employees want to know how to improve.
Many studies have shown that one of the top reasons for employee turnover is lack of employee development. This starts at its most basic with a lack of employee coaching. Without a basis for which to improve – or even knowledge of performance problems to begin with – an employee will be left feeling stagnant and unmotivated. Meeting with your employees periodically not only to discuss minor performance problems, but to set goals for improvement in the future, will motivate them with an executable plan of action going forward.

Employee coaching should be for everyone.
Although it is no secret that reviewing performance and creating a plan of action are pivotal to enacting lasting, positive change, it is perhaps a secret that your most valuable employee coaching efforts are devoted not to your poorest employees, but to your top performers. The natural inclination is to spend the majority of your coaching resources on poor performers, thinking they will benefit most from the effort. But this school of thought saps resources from the development of your top performers, and can drive them out the door in an effort to seek alternate means for self-improvement. For employee coaching to make the most impact, you must both be able to determine how to improve performance on an individual basis, and decide how best to distribute developmental efforts.

Solve two problems with one assessment.
Talassure employee assessments are the key you need to unlock the potential of your workforce. By assessing each member to determine their most basic personality characteristics, you can develop an individualized coaching plan that caters to each employee’s strengths and weaknesses. You can discover why someone is a poor performer, and help them develop techniques for improvement. No less importantly, you can determine what winning qualities make your top performers stand out, and give them guidance in their continued improvement. Talexes employee assessment data is the solution you need to develop an impactful employee coaching program, and create a company-wide environment of self-improvement.