The Human Resources profession has gone through quite an evolution. Once a small department with a few staff in mid-size and large companies, it’s now a full-fledged industry with loads of opportunity for practitioners. Two HR skills are in particular demand in companies of all sizes: Conducting employee assessments Supporting strategic workforce planning HR professionals with these highly valued skills are in a great position to leverage them through their own businesses. Partnering Your Employee Assessment and Strategic Planning Skills Conducting accurate employee assessments is a critical role for anyone charged with creating a workforce or team. The reputations of
Here at Talexes, we’re invested in strategic workforce planning for every part of the employee lifecycle. From hiring and training to employee engagement and development, our employee assessments and talent solutions are meant to help you and your business thrive. So, it’s important for us to keep up on trends in the industry. One recently popular team building exercise that’s been making waves has been thinking preference assessments, like FourSight or the (Neethling Brain Instruments). Many managers and leaders are curious as to how running thinking preference assessments has to do with strategic workforce planning and if they’re worth the
Many conversations about the generation gap feel antagonistic: millennials lack focus, Generation X is stodgy and non-malleable, etc. Even recently, the long-running reality TV show, Survivor, made its theme Millennials vs. Gen X, showing the public interest in the rivalry. Regardless, Talexes and our partners believe that the generational divide and its differences are more than worth conquering through employee assessments and employee engagement. Millennials are the largest group in the current workforce, so it’s now a matter of when and how you engage them, rather than if your methods can survive new ways of thinking. There are many valuable
If you haven’t already, check out Part I of our sales motivation tips. We have even more tips to add to the list, courtesy of Continue reading for Sales Motivation Tips –Part II. Share the Ask 3 Sales Strategy with your sales team: (1) What are you going to CLOSE today? (2) What are you going to make PROGRESS on today? (3) What are you going to FIND today? Encourage your sales team to take action towards these 3 steps every day. Success starts when your actions become greater than your excuses. -Mike Rodriguez, Motivational Speaker & Bestselling Author
Sometimes even the best salesmen need a little sales motivation. Whether they are making sufficient sales or not, every salesperson could use some tips for improving sales. Fit Small Business, a company that provides knowledge and guidance to small businesses, got business
First impressions are crucial for new employees. A recent Equifax study showed that forty percent of employees that left their job voluntarily did so within the first six months of starting their job, and 16 percent left within the first 12 months.
A 2016 SHRM survey of more than 2,300 HR professionals reported that recruiting was their top challenge. When it comes to talent acquisition, originality is far from the key factor. If you come across a strategy that works, adapt it to your own organization. As SHRM Talent Acquisition blogger Tim Sackett says, “You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. If a tactic works really well for someone else, copy it, and it likely will work really well for you, too.” That’s why the strategies provided by these talent acquisition leaders are versatile and affordable enough to be incorporated into your
We already know that only 34 percent of U.S. workers feel engaged at work, and that employee engagement is believed to be important by at least 85 percent of business leaders.
Recent Gallup data shows that only about 34 percent of U.S. workers, and 13 percent worldwide, claim they are engaged at work. And employee engagement goes much farther than just smiles in the workplace—organizations with strong employee engagement generate revenue growth at a rate of 2.5 times higher than companies with lower employee engagement levels. That’s probably why 85 percent of business leaders globally believe engagement is important. Here are some strategies for enhancing employee engagement in your organization. Provide the right tools for the job. This process of “enabling infrastructure,” as Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends 2016 report refers
The 2015 SHRM Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement Survey found that only 69 percent of employees felt that they were consistently putting all their effort into their work. Even the best managers need to be creative in their motivational approach, because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to motivating employees. Everyone is different and therefore responds to different stimuli, so you need a multi-faceted employee motivation plan. Here are some secrets for motivating employees: