A global study by IBM revealed that today’s CIO spends on average 55 percent of his or her time on activities that help spur innovation, a process that is highly reliant on the organization’s business model. Innovation is the key to cultivating organizational development.
If you’re not careful, it can be almost too easy to set off a red flag or two during your job interview. There are questions and answers that should be avoided when attempting to make a good impression on employers. Keep reading to improve the quality of your interview skills with these questions and answers to avoid.
A common misconception about customer loyalty states that, as long as the customer is satisfied, it is guaranteed that they will return in the future. This is not the case. Because it is much easier to maintain relationships among existing customers than it is to build relationships with new customers, it is important to take effective measures to make sure your customers stick around. Take a look at these 5 keys to unlock customer loyalty.
When it comes to leadership, which do you think is better: authority or influence? According to Fast Company, “a leader who applies influence rather than asserts authority is likelier to succeed.” Why is this? For one, associating with your employees instead of asserting authority over them makes for more communication and gives the employees a feeling of importance and stronger ties with the project of which they are assigned. The second positive effect of influential leadership is that it helps women overcome the double standard that being in charge and giving orders is seen as bossy and demanding, yet considered a strong leadership approach when coming from a male. Keep reading to find out the 3 ways to include influence in the workplace and in your personal leadership style.
Being in charge of the sales department has more responsibilities than just selling—you must also be able to coach your salespeople to the top. This type of coaching is a simple yet extremely effective method to ensure sales success. Keep reading to learn the directions that will lead you to the pathway to sales success.
An effective team of coworkers have the means to be more successful than employees trying to tackle responsibilities solo. So, why doesn’t everyone work in teams to easily boost performance? Unfortunately, teambuilding is often not as easy as it seems—there are several hurdles that must be avoided or overcome in order to work effectively with a team. Let’s take a look at some of these teambuilding hurdles so you know what to avoid when attempting to build your team.
This is part two of our Top Hiring Mistakes and Solutions series. For a refresher, or if you haven’t read it yet, you can check out part 1 here. We previously discussed biased hiring and hiring while neglecting other factors of the hiring process besides the interview. Here are some more hiring mistakes and solutions.
In my experience, hiring situations are little more than nightmares (and as a college student, I’ve had more than my share of interviews)—sitting in a waiting room with ten other students who are equally, if not more, qualified, wondering how to get the manager to choose me instead. But it turns out, while we’re sitting outside waiting for our turn, the manager or hiring staff are dealing with their own catalogue of struggles behind the scenes. Take a peek into how the other side of the desk operates—whether it’s to satiate your own curiosity, or to get tips for your own hiring practices—with our “Top Hiring Mistakes and Solutions, Part 1.”
A recent Goldman Sachs infographic defines the Millennial Generation as individuals born between 1980 and 2000. People in this generation have grown up in a world of immense change technologically, economically, and globally. This makes them what Goldman Sachs calls “digital natives;” they were born into technology, so they expect it and thrive better with it. With that said, it can be difficult to obtain and maintain Millennials’ attention. Forty-eight percent of Millennials say that word of mouth is their biggest purchasing motivator; only 17 percent say an ad has compelled them to purchase something. This year’s Inc.com Women’s Summit provided some solutions to get the attention you want and need to engage Millennials.
Workforce management software can help HR professionals and business owners track a multitude of employee-related metrics. But those workforce solutions – no matter how robust their functionality – are only as valuable as how well they help you improve organizational effectiveness.