Talent Connection Blog

Take a look at these surprising employee recognition facts to get an idea of its prevalence in the workplace today: The number-one reason most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated. Organizations with effective recognition programs have 31 percent lower voluntary turnover than organizations with ineffective recognition programs. 90 percent of employees say their recognition program positively impacts engagement. 68 percent of employees say it positively impacts retention. Organizations with strategic retention programs in place exhibit 28.6 percent lower frustration levels than companies without recognition programs. 66 percent of HR managers say it helps them build a

In order to grow your company, you need the right people. The right people come to you through recruiting. There are several ways to keep your company on a top candidate’s list. Here are the best ones, both on and off the web. Let’s start with the old-school reliable methods that don’t require a social media presence. Treat a great applicant like you would treat a great customer. You wouldn’t wait 3 days to call back a good lead, so why wait 3 days to call back a good candidate? Be positive about the type of worker you need—full-time, part-time,

Leadership training, like any other aspect of a successful organization, is constantly updating to stay effective. Ray Carvey, executive VP of Corporate Learning at Harvard Business Publishing, has some insight into how leadership training has improved within the last decade. Developing a leadership mindset. Carvey tells us that it is vital to make the distinction between being a leader and managing tasks. The difference is, while a manager may be in charge of managing tasks, a leader has the responsibility to behave and appear as a figure in charge as well as the responsibility of managing tasks. Know the difference

There are more generations in the workforce today than ever before. Each generation comes with its own quirks for engagement, development, and leadership. As a leader, it is important to know what engages each generation most positively. Take a look at these facts and tips to see if members of your team are destined for leadership roles. Thirty-five percent of gen z expect a “motivating behavior” from leaders, while only 25 percent of gen x managers admit to having this trait. Meanwhile, gen x believes it offers a strong set of personal ethics, but only 12 percent of gen z

The phrase job test is an umbrella term for an assessment that helps you decide on a career path, as well as how well you fit in that job role. Job tests are useful for both employer and employee. They can help an employee get a better sense of their skills, which guides them towards the right type of jobs for them to apply for, as well as being able to feature those skills on their resume. The tests help employees sort through several candidates to find the one that would fit the job best. First, let’s look at the

What efforts lead to success in an organization? While there are many, some can be pinpointed; “specific hiring practices and tools are linked to an organization’s success,” says Scott Burton, vice president of staffing and assessment consulting for human resource consulting firm Development Dimensions International (DDI). DDI found in a recent study that organizations with more effective hiring systems ranked higher in financial performance, productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and retention. But what all does the broad phrase “effective hiring systems” include? DDI managed to pinpoint 4 specific hiring practices that had measurable effects on success. They are: Job

Some experts estimate that up to 60 percent of candidates are expected to take workplace assessments. While many organizations use personality testing for career development, about 22 percent use it to evaluate job candidates, according to the results of a 2014 survey of 344 Society for Human Resource Management members. As the years pass, these numbers will only grow. Learning the details of career personality tests can help you properly implement them in your workplace, or how to handle them when they come up in hiring situations. Many assessments are based on the Five Factor Model, which includes openness to experience, conscientiousness,

Career tests are an ideal way to determine your strengths, interests, and aptitude for a specific career path. In order to utilize them properly, you should know how they work, how you can get them, and the difference types of tests.   How They Work Career tests can be used whether you already have a career path in mind or not. If you don’t, they can help you get an idea of what career paths are ideal for you. If you already know what you want, career tests are still helpful. They can show you what aspects you have that

June 29, 2017 – Waco, TX: Waco-based assessment company Talexes is excited to announce the addition of a new product to their line of employee assessments. With the release of the TalassureFire, Talexes aims to assist fire chiefs in hiring the most appropriate addition to these essential public service teams. The TalassureFire was built by Talexes under the direction of a fire industry psychologist using data exclusively garnered from firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics. Because these emergency responders spend much of their time in the firehouse waiting to be called into action, it is pivotal that the dynamic of the working

CareerBuilder found that 40 percent of employees who don’t feel meaningfully recognized will not go above their formal responsibilities. And 50 percent believe increased recognition would reduce voluntary turnover. With these figures in mind, think about your organization’s current employee appreciation methods. Are you confident that they are sufficient to give your employees the recognition and satisfaction they deserve? If you’re unsure, take a look at these employee appreciation ideas for some inspiration to liven up your organization’s engagement. Social butterfly – Acknowledge an employee’s successes on the company Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin pages. Not only will this increase recognition,