Talent Connection Blog

If you haven’t yet read our previous article, The Defining Factors of Generation Z, you absolutely should. As the next step in the workforce, it is important to know the Gen Z characteristics that will be beneficial to your organization. The Defining Factors of Generation Z highlighted some differences in their beliefs compared to former generations. Now we’re going to highlight their important traits and see how they transfer effectively into the workforce.   Like our previous article stated, Gen Z is a pragmatic group. They value stability and safety, both career-wise and overall, giving them peace of mind that

Just when you thought Millennials were the next Big Thing, here comes Generation Z. Categorized as those born roughly between 1996 and 2010, they are the next step in the modern workforce. Besides the fact that they have already surpassed the Millennial population by a million—the Millennial generation consists of around 60 million—there are other aspects of Gen Z that individualize them so they don’t get lost in the shadow of Millennials. The three main categories where they differ are technology preferences, privacy habits, and pragmatism.   Technology A short, simple description for this category could be: “seconds count.” Managing

Although it is often a forgotten responsibility of organizational leaders, employee development plans are an underlying necessity for harmony and success in the workplace. By greatly reducing turnover, thereby reducing the need for hiring processes, having an effective employee development program in place is an easy way to ease the strain of hiring processes. Here’s why: It will attract and keep great employees.No one needs the monetary and time consuming burden of employee retention and hiring processes. A stable employee development program can lighten that burden. Here are some reasons why a stable employee development program matters when it comes

Harvard Business Review recently did a study of employees’ top complaints about the leadership in their companies, with not recognizing employee achievements as the number one grievance among employees. This complaint, as well as several others, are detrimental to the employee engagement in your organization. So what else are employees complaining about, and how should you go about preventing those complaints? Keep reading to find out! Sixty-three percent of employees in the study agreed that their achievements are not adequately recognized. This may be hard to believe, considering 90 percent of organizations have recognition programs, but it remains a large

A recent employee development Survey by WorkplaceTrends.com stated that 60 percent of U.S. and U.K. human resources leaders believe their companies provide employees with clear advancement opportunities. However, the employees themselves disagreed—only 36 percent believed they were provided with the opportunities they needed and deserved. This unfortunately low number implies that there is some gray area when it comes to making sure employees are properly supported. Not only is this undesirable for the employee, but it could cause your organization to suffer from a lack of retention and employee engagement. Learn how to improve employee engagement and interoffice retention by

After concluding the final phases of Beta testing, Talexes is excited for the release of the Talassure360. With this modern tool, Talexes will be able to provide additional developmental assistance to companies trying to improve the talent within their workforce. The Talassure360 feedback-based development system is intended to assist organizations with leadership development, providing an unbiased, anonymous feedback channel in which leaders are assessed based upon their individual performance. Through the accumulation of input about essential job functions – such as follow-through on promises and ability to prioritize – Talexes will provide a neutral platform through which leadership can develop

The desire to obtain performance feedback in order to improve performance has existed since civilization’s first leaders. From kings seeking advice from their counsel, to World War II officers collecting feedback from their comrades, to the development of the first feedback process by 1980s psychologists, the development of the 360 degree leadership feedback system has come a long way.   Despite all the tweaks and touchups over the years, however, there are still noted challenges with traditional 360 tools. Some of these shortcomings include: Paralysis by Analysis – Commonly referred to as ‘information overload,’ this occurrence is caused by the

Every successful project has a blueprint—setting goals is the blueprint for a successful organization. A major component of team building is setting team goals. But sometimes we overestimate or underestimate ourselves, making it difficult to set attainable goals. Here are 5 ways to set effective team goals so you can get down the road on your workforce planning procedures.   Start with individual team members. Team goals are more easily established when individual members have their own personal goals that can be woven into the big-picture goal. Keep your goals reasonable. Out-of-range goals will only discourage your team; goals should

An effective team of coworkers has the means to be more successful than employees trying to tackle responsibilities solo. So, why doesn’t everyone work in teams to easily boost performance? Unfortunately, team building is often not as easy as it seems—there are several hurdles that must be avoided or overcome in order to work effectively with a team. Let’s take a look at some of these hurdles so you know what to avoid when attempting to build your team. Team members lacking proper skill and experience for their role on the team is the first hurdle to avoid or fix.