Talent Connection Blog

Did you know that cognitive ability and conscientiousness are the strongest predictors of future job performance? Or that one’s problem solving abilities are most strongly linked to success on the job? Luckily, more and more organizations are realizing this, leading the personality assessment industry to impressive growth.  The effectiveness of personality assessments is even getting recognized and taken advantage of by Fortune 500 companies. It has become common practice to include assessments in the hiring process about as often as background checks are included. In fact, 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies are using a computer- or paper-based pre-employment assessment,

Hiring for any position in your organization can be stressful. Whether it’s a managerial role or entry level, adding a new employee to the team takes time, effort, and money. It’s necessary to know what type of employee you need so you can hire the right one the first time to make the hire worth that time, effort, and money. Naturally, there are certain requirements for different roles in any organization. But there’s more to add to your “ideal candidate” list than just the requirements of the job. Arguably the most important aspect of an employee, besides their ability to

A recent study by TowersWatson found that fewer than 21 percent of employees surveyed described themselves as “highly engaged.” This is 10 percent less than the figure from 2009. And 8 percent admitted to being fully disengaged. Having only 1/5 of your workforce engaged doesn’t make good odds for keeping your employees motivated.  Entrepreneur.com states that employee engagement and motivation derive from 3 factors:  Alignment of the employee with the goals and vision of the company  Employees’ faith in the competence of management and their commitment to realize the goals and vision  Trust in their direct supervisor that he or

When it comes to high-potential employees, or hi-pos, Harvard Business Review tells us that 1 in 4 believes he or she will be working for another employer within a year. It seems finding talented people is hard work but keeping them is even harder. Some components to be aware of if you are putting effort towards retaining your top employees are explained below.   Flexibility – Remote working options, flexible hours, and PTO policies are replacing the traditional strict 9-to-5 workday. It’s no secret that flexible workers are happier and more productive, meaning not only a more positive impact on

The potential increase of minimum wage and the aftereffects it brings has companies of all sizes in its grasp. Regardless of size, companies will find it necessary to minimize their front-facing workforce, often running understaffed to be able to compensate for the rising cost of keeping employees on the clock. And with entry-level employees making comparable paychecks to those who have invested much of their time and effort into the company, retaining and motivating high performers will become a challenge.  With the increase in the cost of the workforce, companies will have to be more discerning when hiring new employees

Emotional intelligence consists of one’s ability to express and control emotions, read the emotions of others, and respond to others empathetically. Knowing this, it makes sense that emotional intelligence would have its place in sales performance.  A typical sales role calls for connecting with and communicating with total strangers—a task far easier for those with high EI. We’ll look at some sales aspects that are most affected by emotional intelligence, and how they can potentially improve sales performance.  Building Rapport. Very few salespeople would claim that the same sales tactic works on every individual. Tailoring a sales tactic based on

Research shows that it can take as much as 10 to 18 minutes to regain the same level of attention back that you had before getting distracted. Whether you are the type to get distracted by the slightest interruption or the type who easily tunes out distractions, no one is completely attentive 100% of the time. That’s why we can all benefit from some tips for avoiding workplace distractions.   To start, you can help yourself by tackling visual distractions. Organize your workspace and limit technology interruptions—only check calls, emails, and messages when necessary, and keep any distracting clutter off your

Remote employees are becoming a more common occurrence for companies everywhere. This working remote trend can be highly beneficial to both the employee and the employer when done correctly. But oftentimes, the cons outweigh the pros if you don’t know how to efficiently and effectively set yourself or your coworkers up for remote work. It’s important to be aware of typical working-from-home hurdles in order to be prepared with solutions for those setbacks. The following descriptions highlight what to avoid and what to be aware of so you can maximize the effectiveness of working from home. The biggest—and probably most

Where you work has quite an effect on how you work. Cluttered and disorganized spaces can bring on a feeling of lack of control and competence, which has a negative effect on productivity. In order to focus your attention on what really matters, you have to make your workspace a tool, not a distraction. If you want your workspace to help with productivity, then you need to organize—and we’re not talking about rearranging the same old piles of paperwork. If you work in an office, you probably spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, making it a

Humans have a unique ability to memorize a task and performing it in the future from a sort of autopilot mode; once we are comfortable with a task, we tend to use our muscle memory more often and our brainless often to accomplish it. This passive autopilot state leads to boredom, a lack of engagement, and sometimes even laziness. It is important that you keep a sharp mind, not only for health purposes but also because it is an effective way to ramp up your workday, as well as your work performance. Coming up with a couple of daily activities