Talent Connection Blog

Organizations’ efforts to ensure job compatibility are growing in popularity by the day. But some organizations still have some reservations about donating the time and resources necessary to make it happen. It turns out, not only does the employee benefit from correct job matching, the organization does, too.

Here are some reasons from both employee and organization perspectives that just might convince you to take that leap into job compatibility efforts if you haven’t already—or continue these efforts if you have started already.

From a business perspective, there are 4 major positive effects of job compatibility. From an employee perspective, there are 2 effects.

The employee benefits are simple: engagement and productivity. You can’t be engaged if you don’t fit well with the job, and you can’t be productive if you aren’t engaged and/or cannot do the tasks effectively and efficiently. These 2 benefits affect both themselves and the organizational benefits.

The 4 benefits of job compatibility for the organization include:

  1. Reduced turnover costs
  2. Increased retention rates
  3. Increased overall performance
  4. A thriving, more profitable organization

Think of these factors, as well as the two employee factors, as a house of cards—no in terms of fragility, but rather in terms of necessary support. Each one of these factors is connected to one or several others in some way, just like each card must touch another to stay standing. Your organization is this house of cards. Without job compatibility, some of those factors—those cards in your house—are damaged or missing.

Talexes uses modern technology to make the job matching process as simple as possible. A quick and easy process to improve 6 key factors in the organization—who wouldn’t make that choice?