Talent Connection Blog

Here at Talexes, we’re invested in strategic workforce planning for every part of the employee lifecycle. From hiring and training to employee engagement and development, our employee assessments and talent solutions are meant to help you and your business thrive. So, it’s important for us to keep up on trends in the industry.

One recently popular team building exercise that’s been making waves has been thinking preference assessments, like FourSight or the (Neethling Brain Instruments). Many managers and leaders are curious as to how running thinking preference assessments has to do with strategic workforce planning and if they’re worth the cost. Here, we’ll explain what these tests show you and their value.

Thinking Preference Assessment Tests

When a company asks their employees to take these tests, they hope to learn more about the makeup of their team, their outlook and opinions on the work process, and the way they approach problems. Each employee will leave with their own brain profile, breaking them down into a thought category that they have a strong preference for. These are typically broken into four categories: organized, creative, feeling, and logical (though the outcomes will vary by product).

The business is then given a breakdown of these statistics by department and other factors. Some will then have a certified representative of the testing agency come in to explain the results and how people with different thinking processes can work together. It can be helpful for new teams and businesses.

This isn’t to say that we necessarily support the science of these assessments. Thinking preferences aren’t static throughout a person’s life and there are many problems with self-assessments. After all, look at the growing dissatisfaction over the popularity of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) tests. That being said, there is something valuable in analyzing and valuing the way your employees work through problems.

Strategic Workforce Planning Incorporates Diverse Thinking

If you want to sustain growth at your workplace, you’ll want to figure out what type of employees are thriving and how to encourage a harmonious and collaborative workspace. Not only that, you’ll want to figure out which types of people will work for you long enough to make it a worthy investment.

After all, employee turnover is a drain on company time and money. The training and hiring process can be exhausting and can pull away time from valuable management personnel. If you want to see this practically, use our employee turnover calculator.

Information is critical to providing personalized feedback for your employees. For example, employee assessment data from Talexes can analyze different employees’ strengths and weaknesses. You’ll know when an employee has pushed themselves and shown a commitment to growth at your company. You can then make steps to personally congratulate them. This increases employee satisfaction, which in turn increases the quality of their work.

Contact Talexes to learn more about our assessment data and how we can incorporate it into strategic workforce planning to meet your short-term and long-term goals.