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Leadership assessments are powerful tools to measure an individual’s leadership skills and traits, providing insight into their strengths and areas for improvement. This information can help companies develop and train leaders, create succession plans, and evaluate leadership potential for promotions or hiring decisions. Here are ways to effectively use leadership assessments to make actionable improvement strategies and achieve your goals:

1.     Define your goals and objectives

Before implementing a leadership assessment tool, consider what your organization hopes to achieve through leadership development. Are you looking to develop current leaders, evaluate the potential for promotions, or identify high-potential employees for future leadership roles? Understanding your goals will help you choose a suitable assessment tool and ensure it’s used effectively.

2.     Identify specific goals for each leader

Evaluate what specific goals you have for each leader. For example, improving communication skills, building stronger relationships with team members, or increasing strategic thinking. Understanding the specific goals of everyone in a leadership position will help you choose the right assessment tool and provide actionable steps for development.

3.     Determine how the results will be used

Consider how the results of the assessment will be used. For example, will they inform performance evaluations, provide a basis for coaching and mentorship, or drive development initiatives? Understanding how the results will be used will help you choose the right assessment tool and ensure that the results are used effectively.

4.     Determine the type of assessment you need

Determine which assessment is best for your team based on your goals and the areas you want to improve. Various leadership assessment tools are available, each with a unique focus and approach. Some popular tools are 360-degree, personality, skills, and behavioral assessments. For example, if you’re looking to develop leaders within your organization, a 360-degree assessment may be the best choice. However, a leadership potential assessment may be a better fit if you’re looking to evaluate an individual’s potential for a specific leadership role.

5.     Provide clear instructions and expectations

Explain the purpose of the assessment, the type of information that will be gathered, and how the results will be used. Encourage your employees to take the assessment seriously and be willing to accept feedback, even if it is different from what they expect to hear. The more honest and open you are during the assessment process, the more accurate and helpful the results will be.

6.     Use the results to drive development

The results of a leadership assessment tool are most valuable when used to drive actionable plans. Use the results to identify areas for improvement and provide actionable steps for development, such as coaching, training, and mentorship. Provide leaders with the support and resources they need to achieve their goals. This can include access to training, mentorship, and coaching, as well as opportunities for networking and skill-building.

7.     Incorporate it into your leadership development program.

Making leadership assessment a regular part of your leadership development program can help ensure that leaders continue to grow and improve over time. Use the assessment tool regularly to track progress and ensure that leaders continue to develop and improve over time. Consider conducting assessments at regular intervals, such as annually or semi-annually, to track progress and identify areas for improvement.


Leadership is crucial to organizational success, and a leader’s effectiveness can profoundly impact their team and the company. Leadership assessment tools can be valuable for companies looking to identify and develop strong leaders. These tools can help organizations make informed decisions about developing and promoting leaders and drive growth and innovation by providing insight into an individual’s leadership skills, personality, and potential. When used effectively, leadership assessment tools can help organizations create a culture of continuous improvement and achieve their strategic goals. Utilizing a leadership assessment tool should be a part of a more extensive leadership development program.