Talent Connection Blog

The phrase job test is an umbrella term for an assessment that helps you decide on a career path, as well as how well you fit in that job role. Job tests are useful for both employer and employee. They can help an employee get a better sense of their skills, which guides them towards the right type of jobs for them to apply for, as well as being able to feature those skills on their resume. The tests help employees sort through several candidates to find the one that would fit the job best.

First, let’s look at the different types of job tests available.

  • Personality tests measure the employee’s personality and how they will act in the office.
  • Talent assessment tests measure the candidate’s ability to do the tasks required of them.
  • Pre-employment physical exams, usually used for physically demanding jobs, are meant to ensure the employee is physically capable of what is required of them.
  • Cognitive tests measure a candidate’s reasoning, memory, perceptual speed, and accuracy, as well as arithmetic and reading comprehension.
  • Emotional intelligence tests measure a candidate’s emotional responses as well as their comprehension of others’ emotional responses.

Job tests play an extremely useful role in the hiring process. But if you plan on using them, be sure to use them correctly. Here are some tips:

  • Use the relevant test for the job you want to fill
  • Check validity and reliability
  • Be familiar with the test you are administering; be sure questions are relevant and appropriate
  • Do not rely solely on test results for decision making

There are a variety of job tests on the market today, all constructed for different purposes. Get familiar with the type you need, get familiar with an organization that can provide them for you, such as Talexes, and get hiring!