Generation Z is the newest generation to enter the workforce—and sooner than you would think. Almost half (47 percent) of gen z surveyed said they would be willing to get a job right out of high school, and 60 percent agreed they would choose employers offering education in their desired field rather than pursuing a college degree. But that’s not the only important thing to know about them. In fact, there are several factors for recruiting gen z workers that you should be aware of.
Like we said before, they are early birds when it comes to joining the workforce. They won’t hesitate on an opportunity, and they surely won’t wait around for one to appear—it’s very likely that they will be searching for careers sooner than you will think to search for them. Get ahead of the game and start recruiting at the high school level. If you wait until their early 20’s, they may have already found somewhere else to dedicate their time and skills.
So how do you go about recruiting this generation? First off, it is important to remember they respond to different types of recruitment than most generations. It is absolutely necessary to communicate the value and meaning of your company to them. A Universum study found that 51 percent of gen z claims that flexible work is their most important goal. Many claim that they would rather have part-time positions than work long hours, even if the latter offers more money. It is important to highlight opportunities like this in your messages and branding. Also include where their potential role will take them—many are more concerned with where the job will lead, rather than the current moment. Talent management expert Raghav Singh explains it well:
“They are concerned that the priorities they have are actively supported by the employers they work for. If you’re planning to recruit from Gen Z, be aware that your work environment is going to be a major factor in attracting them. Salary and financial security are important, but they’re interested in working for companies that demonstrate a positive impact on society. That needs to be reflected in the employer branding.”
Another big reminder is to keep communications visual. Big ad campaigns don’t work with this group. They don’t want to be pursued on their social media accounts—but if a short clip or entertaining photo scrolls through their feed, they might get it in their head to do some research on you. The go-to is short clips and visuals because of their focus. Not that they have attention issues; in fact, it’s quite the opposite—they know they are capable of giving their attention to a million other things out there that could be more entertaining or beneficial to them than your company’s ad. If your clip is too long or not interesting and grabby, they may think they are wasting their time and attention on your company—a feeling you definitely don’t want from potential candidates.
The bottom line is this: gen z has the potential to benefit your organization greatly, and the recruiting process isn’t as foreign or difficult as you might think. To put it simply, when trying to attract talent from that generation, just think what would grab their attention—and why—and put that into something creative and unique.