The sun is out, the sky is blue—that means the kids are out, too. Countless generation z’s have just gotten out of school for the summer, and most are probably looking for jobs. But what do they really want, besides some summer cash? We know at least 6 things that the generation z workforce wants—all just as fulfilling as the paycheck they’ll be getting, too.
Although they are just getting used to high school, generation z is looking for stability. Career stability, financial stability, money stability, and job stability. They’re looking for a role that isn’t going to throw any surprise curve balls at them—no randomly fluctuating pay rates, no random reassignments or projects they aren’t qualified or prepared for. Give them a sense of stability and they’ll give you what you want: effective, high-performance work.
One word that generation z—and even millennials—find to be infuriating is the word experience. Everyone wants to hire someone with experience, but how can they get experience if they can’t get hired to get it? By giving the generation z workforce rewarding, beneficial experience, you’re not only strengthening the entire workforce, you’re also shaping those individuals into what may be a valuable team member in the future.
Generation z grew up in a technological time of instant gratification. For them to learn and progress properly, they need to see nearly instant results in order to be motivated to keep progressing. Generation z employees should be mentored in an environment where they can advance quickly. Being able to see the results of their actions helps generation z employees advance knowing their efforts are paying off.
Every new generation gets more than its fair share of judgments, perceptions, and assumptions. The generation z workforce is looking for daily feedback without all that extra baggage. They want to be judged on their own merits and showcase their individual talents, rather than be generalized into a generational stereotype. Give them that daily feedback they crave, and avoid that categorization comment (“X is a pretty good worker, for a gen z”).
Most generation z workers believe that some companies over complicate salary, benefits, and advancement concepts, and I think they have some weight to their argument. Listening to my friends explain their organizations’ processes is like trying to put together a poorly organized puzzle. I guess you could say this goes along with gen z’s desire for stability; they desire a straightforward set of concepts for salary, benefits, and advancement opportunities. If the employee feels like they have to solve a riddle to understand how to advance in your company, consider simplifying your strategies.
Summer is here, and so is the generation z workforce. Knowing what they’re looking for can help you keep them engaged and performing at their highest level. Remember, if you give them what they want, they’ll give you the hard work you want in return.