Our white papers cover an array of topics based on our extensive experience in talent management solutions. Get immediate access to these complimentary resources today.

HR Research Institute “The State of High-volume and Hourly Hiring 2023”
Talexes is committed to ongoing advancement in the field of talent management and supporting HR professionals in their efforts to navigate the evolving landscape of high volume and hourly hiring. Recently we participated in and sponsored HR.com’s HR Research Institute’s latest state of the industry report “The State of High Volume and Hourly Hiring 2023”.

The Complete Guide to Conducting an Interview
Are you looking for the most comprehensive, definitive, and helpful interviewing guide online? Talexes hiring and development experts have created and compiled this guide to help HR professionals improve the quality of their interviews. Take your interviewing skills to the next level with this complete guide to interviewing.
The 360° Feedback Differentiator: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional 360° Feedback Systems to Contemporary Methods
In this brief overview of the 360° Feedback system, we’ll discover the origins of the 360 process, it’s evolution over the course of the last 100 years, the common shortcomings of 360° Feedback, and the current market’s answer to these challenges. Learn More.
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Asking the Right Questions: A Brief Analysis of The Interview.
It can be difficult to garner the correct information from a candidate using traditional interview methods, and asking for answers that can be attained from a resume or application wastes time without determining whether the candidate would be capable of the position. There are several important factors to take into consideration when hiring anyone, but they can all be reduced to three aspects. Learn more.
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What Are You Doing to Prepare for the Minimum Wage Increase?
The very words conjure images of political debates and seas of protesters. It seems that for every passionate proponent, there’s an equally adamant opponent. With the profusion of contradictory information on potential economic effects, it can be hard to tell where your business lies on the spectrum. Learn more.
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Assessments Maximize Your Talent at Every Stage of Employment?
Most organizations lack an understanding of the value of using assessments throughout the employee life-cycle. Learn the different approaches for leveraging assessment data at every stage of employment. Learn more.
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If you’re not using job-fit assessments to find the best people for your organization, you’re doing it wrong! Decades of organizational psychology and modern research have demonstrated that evaluating soft skills is critical to a successful talent acquisition process and more predictive of future job success than any other factor. With 70% of people placed in the wrong job and 89% of those failed hires resulting from a lack of job-related soft skills, at Talexes, we couldn’t agree more. Our “windshield,” instead of “rearview,” approach, helps our clients quickly identify and hire the best talent for the company to succeed in the fast-changing world today and into the future. Is your company ready to take advantage of this? Now is the time to transform hiring!