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Can they do the job? Will they do the job?
The TalassureQ Quick Screen assessment is an ideal tool for small business owners
to gain as much information about a potential hire as possible before ever investing in
additional screening. Its short administration time – coupled with concise, understandable
reporting – brings big information into the small business sphere. With the TalasureQ,
you can feel confident that the candidate you’re hiring not only is capable of doing the
job, but has the personal qualities that will lead to a strong work ethic and candid

TalassureQ is an entry-level employee assessment that:
- Shows whether a candidate’s core personality indicates a “will do” attitude toward the job
- Reveals if candidates “can do” the job by measuring whether their cognitive ability will be sufficient enough to handle job complexities
- Indicates the level of conscientiousness a candidate brings to the job
- Uncovers important information about a candidate’s employment history

Stop Wasting Time, Money, and Morale.
With TalassureQ, you can get a snapshot of a candidate quickly, with only the most pertinent information displayed in order to streamline and improve your hiring process with the click of a button. Say goodbye to stacks of resumes and usher in a new era of important, meaningful data at the tips of your fingers. With TalassureQ, you can know as much as you can about a candidate in only 15 short minutes, freeing your time to focus on your business, and allowing you the comfort of knowing that you’re making the right hiring decision every time.