Building a brilliant workforce starts with Talent Acquisition

Don’t let talent acquisition become synonymous with hiring.
There’s more to talent acquisition process than making a hiring decision. You first have to create a pool of applicants to be able to select from it, and you have to have a way of refining that pool until you find the best possible fit. If you focus all of your attention on the hiring process itself, you will be stuck with an open position for which there are no compelling applicants, and will be forced to hire a mediocre prospect that will not perform to the standards of a quality hire.

Paint the picture first.
Knowing exactly what the ideal candidate looks like can help you understand where you should be sourcing your applicants, as well as help you filter them based upon your chosen criteria. For example, if you are in need of an extrovert, you could look at a job fair where there will be opportunities for prospects to directly engage you while competing for your approval. If you’re looking for someone with the ability to take and follow directions precisely, go to your local VA and seek retired military veterans. Having a firm understanding of the requirements of the position gives you the clarity you need to start seeking the most eligible candidate. But what can the average hiring manager do to gain this level of certainty?

Tie it together with data.
Talexes workforce analytics can help you understand the fundamental qualities that are required for the position. When you have a picture of the ideal candidate, you can start mining the right sources, as well as creating selection criteria based around data. Attracting the appropriate candidates will create a pool of highly-qualified prospective employees, and will serve as a basis for which to select from that pool. Once you know what you need, know where to find it, and know how to select it, your talent acquisition process becomes a single, living entity rather than three separate and unrelated processes. Let Talassure employee assessment data give your talent acquisition process the clarity it needs to successfully pull in quality applicants every single time.