We let our clients speak for themselves to help our visitors better understand Talexes,
our line of products, and the Talexes vision for the impact of our employment assessments.
“The use of a Talexes employment assessment has transformed our hiring process and saved dozens of hours of potential lost time in human resources work. Because of the seasonal nature of our business, we onboard 30-40 teachers in spring over a short time period. The Talexes assessment has served as a filter by matching the candidates to the baseline we’ve created of “star teachers” whose qualities we know create an inspired, genuine experience for students at our camp. The Talexes metric is an invaluable tool in the streamlining of our business model.”
–Ben Koch – CEO, NuMinds Enrichment

“I’ve been using employment assessments for over 30 years for pre- and post-hire applications. Finding and keeping great employees has been a challenge for as long as I can remember, and relying on poorly constructed assessment tools wasn’t helping. But now, whether it’s an executive, mid-level, or entry position, Talexes has the assessment for me.”
– Jim Maloney – CEO, United Freight

“We’ve assessed hundreds of people. The information provided by the employment assessments has dramatically changed our approach to Human Resources for the better. We’ve improved our quality of hire to the point that we’ve seen significant increases in revenue.”
-Jeff Keahy – VP of Operations, Wardlaw Claims Service

“Talexes employment assessments are a critical part of our hiring process. We set up success patterns for each role we need to fill and we use the TalassureMX with finalists for each position. These assessments tell us so much about whether the person will be a fit for the role and our company’s culture. I’ve wasted more money than I’d care to admit with hires I didn’t know enough about in the past. These assessments help me significantly reduce the risk of making a bad hire. I won’t hire without them. I highly recommend them.”