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You know what it takes to help companies make the best use of their people – you just need the best tool for the job! To help your clients reach their goals, you need assessment products that deliver value, clarity, and positive results.


As a Talexes Alliance Partner, you’ll benefit from our decades of experience in assessment development and sales. All of our workforce assessment, talent development, and leadership consulting solutions can fit easily into your current service offering, and there’s no certification required.

Contact Talexes Today!

Adding Talexes solutions to your suite of business consulting services offers numerous benefits:

Leverage your experience:

You already know how to help companies succeed, and the talent management industry needs your expertise. The learning curve is low, and our Alliance Partners can hit the ground running, minimizing potential inconveniences and maximizing profitable opportunities.

Improve your cash flow:

Profit margins are high, and our solutions are in demand. Talexes products can also generate recurring revenue, which helps you increase and stabilize your cash flow.

Gain insights about your clients:

By nature, employee assessments provide substantial information about your organizations. With more intelligence at your fingertips, you can discover opportunities to add value.

Strengthen your toolkit:

By nature, employee assessments provide substantial information about your organizations. With more intelligence at your fingertips, you can discover opportunities to add value.

What people are saying about how Talexes has helped grow their business:

What people are saying about Talexes

“I’ve only been with Talexes 60 days and I already helped four of my clients with their talent challenges which have made me even more valuable. Plus, I’ve generated revenue that surpassed my expectations! I recommend Talexes to any consultant who is looking to transform and grow their business by adding a complementary product and aligning with a great partner.”

-Mike Poledna
CEO, MyHubPartner

“Having sold, implemented, created, and validated Assessments for some 17 years, I’m glad today to be predicting employee performance and retention with Assessments from Talexes.
You’ve published shorter, more accurate instruments. You are providing clients with superb Success Pattern creation software. Not every tool – and I’ve worked with many instruments from several publishers – consistently achieves statistically significant correlations with desired business outcomes. Talexes Assessments do. My prediction is that HR professionals who value the effectiveness of their pre- and post-hire Assessments won’t delay in switching to Talexes.”

-Christopher P. Kunze
President, Kunze Analytics

“I am in the early stages of my relationship with Talexes and have already secured 4 clients in a short period of time. Thanks to the team I have gotten off to a fast start! I re-branded and relaunched my business and started generating new revenue streams right away! In addition, after 20+ years in business as an entrepreneur, I’ve found a new perspective that has invigorated me and my business!

-Joe Feldman
Talent Consultant

Since Talexes Alliance Partners have no sales quotas and pay zero royalties, you can work as much – or as little – as you please. Our Partner trainers and business consultants enjoy the unfettered flexibility to work whenever and with whomever they want. As an experienced professional, you deserve to be free.

Are you ready to add talent management solutions to your business?

 Contact Talexes to learn more about our partnership opportunity!

Contact Talexes Today