Make sure they’re ready to take the reins.

Be certain about tomorrow today.
Whether due to seniority, metrics, respect from peers, consistency, or any number of other things, your bench has earned a place in your ranks because each member has proven him or herself capable of their current position. However, moving into a higher leadership position requires additional skills, proficiencies, and knowledge that, when passed over, can spell disaster for a replacement that was not adequately prepared.

Personality is greater than knowledge.
No matter how qualified or experienced a replacement candidate may be, it is vital that they understand the differences between their current role and the new one.Even if there are no gaps in skills or knowledge on the part of the candidate, it is imperative that the he or she understands that the new role will require distinctive behavior. You can always teach someone a skill or piece of information that will foster success, but you cannot change the personal traits that express behavior. Because of this, it is more important to ensure that a candidate matches the desired personality than it is to match the desired skill set.

Don’t think, know.
You must not only select your future leaders, but groom them to the standards of the role and culture. With Talexes employee assessment data, you can not only determine the exact behavioral parameters of the position in question, but compare current candidates to those parameters.Having a data-backed basis on which to screen prospects provides the certainty you need when planning the future of your company. When you know where the potential in your workforce lies, you can spend your time developing the skills of the chosen few. Let Talassure assessments show you how to develop your bench strength into the leaders your company will need.